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Original article | published - EPub | peer reviewed

A 3-year controlled randomized clinical study on the performance of two glass-ionomer cements in Class II cavities of permanent teeth


Bibliometric indicators

Impact Factor = 1.46

Citations (WOS) = 13

DOI = 10.3290/j.qi.a42692


Fotiadou C*, Frasheri I, Reymus M, Diegritz C, Kessler A, Manhart J, Hickel R, Klinke T1, Heck K


Objective: To compare the clinical performance of two glass-ionomer cements in combination with two light-cured coatings in Class II cavities. Method and materials: In total, 43 Equia Fil/Equia Coat and 42 Fuji IX GP Fast/Fuji Coat LC restorations were placed, in 34 patients. Only Class II cavities with two- or three-surface restorations were included. The clinical performance was evaluated at baseline, after one, two, and three years using the FDI criteria. For the statistical analysis, Fisher exact test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Mann-Whitney U test were applied. The success and survival of the restorations were calculated with the Kaplan-Meier method and a log-rank test was used to detect significant differences between the tested materials. Results: At the 3-year recall, no significant differences could be detected between the two glass-ionomer cements for any of the evaluated criteria (Mann-Whitney U test, P > .05). When comparing the baseline with the recall data at 3 years for each material separately, significant changes could be observed in both materials for the criteria "surface luster," "fracture of material and retention," and "approximal anatomical form" (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P < .05). Additionally, the Equia Fil restorations showed a notable change for the criteria "marginal adaptation" (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P = .039). At the 3-year follow up, the Equia Fil and the Fuji IX GP Fast restorations exhibited an overall survival rate of 86.21% and 84.0%, respectively. Conclusion: The two glass-ionomer cements tested performed similarly in Class II cavities in adult patients, with a moderate to high failure rate after 3 years.

Published in


Year 2019
Impact Factor (2019) 1.46
Volume 07
Pages 2 - 12
Open Access nein
Peer reviewed ja
Article type Original article
Article state published - EPub
DOI 10.3290/j.qi.a42692

Common journal data

ISSN: 0033-6572
eISSN: 1936-7163
Country: USA
Language: English

Impact factor trend

Year Impact Factor
2008 0.811
2009 0.635
2010 0.643
2011 0.762
2012 0.71
2013 0.728
2014 0.95
2015 0.821
2016 0.995
2017 1.088
2018 1.392
2019 1.46
2020 1.677
2021 2.175
2022 1.9
2023 1.3

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