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 Forschungsinformationssystem Universität Greifswald

Originalartikel | erschienen - EPub | peer reviewed | Open Access

Color determination with no-match-templates using two different tooth color scales – An in-vitro evaluation

Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2020 ; 32(6): 593 - 600

Bibliometrische Indikatoren

Impact Factor = 2,843

Zitierhäufigkeit nach WOS = 7

DOI = 10.1111/jerd.12594


Bratner S, Hannak W, Boening K, Klinke T*1


Abstract Objectives: Visual shade selection is the most commonly used method in dentistry and a challenge for every dentist. However, differences to natural tooth color and the differences of each shade guide are well known. The aim of this paper is to investigate the suitability of two different color scales for determining the color of nomatch templates. Materials and methods: Volunteers (N = 76) selected a shade color of a no-match template with two shade guides (VITA Classical shade guide (VC) and VITA Linearguide 3D-Master (V3D LG), both Vita Zahnfabrik). The neutral grey background was laterally illuminated with a color differentiation lamp (Dialite, Eickhorst GmbH). For the volunteers’ accuracy, the triangle's area was used which are emerge by the color coordinates of a template (LTaTbT) and the color coordinates of the two decisions (L1a1b1 and L2a2b2). Statistical software was used to evaluate the differences in ΔE00 with α = .01. Results: A deviation in the median of ΔE00 of 7.6 (V3D LG, first choice) to 6.6 (VC, second choice) was detected, while U test showed no significant differences in the median for both color scales. But the triangle's area generated by both shade decisions and tooth color with V3D LG was significant smaller (14.2) then VC (19.2) (P ≤ .001). Conclusions: When comparing both results no significant difference in the subject's shade selection and the shade guides was detected. The new evaluation strategy using the size of the triangle's areas proves the superiority of the V3D LG due to a better distribution of the tooth color shades within the color space.

Veröffentlicht in

Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry

Jahr 2020
Impact Factor (2020) 2,843
Volume 32
Issue 6
Seiten 593 - 600
Open Access ja
Peer reviewed ja
Artikelart Originalartikel
Artikelstatus erschienen - EPub
DOI 10.1111/jerd.12594

Allgemeine Daten zur Fachzeitschrift

Kurzbezeichnung: J ESTHET RESTOR DENT
ISSN: 1496-4155
eISSN: 1708-8240
Land: USA
Sprache: English

Impact Factor Entwicklung

Jahr Impact Factor
2009 0,797
2010 0,736
2011 0,986
2012 0,957
2013 0,84
2014 0,808
2015 1,231
2016 1,273
2017 1,531
2018 1,716
2019 1,786
2020 2,843
2021 3,04
2022 3,2
2023 3,2

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